Loading Rules

Good day,

The Port of Antwerp has sent out a new regulation in regards to the cargo loaded in cars, vans and trucks. In addition to the already existing regulations and guidelines, these new regulations will take effect as from 15 September 2019.

It mainly states following:


All vehicles should have a packing list in the lower right corner of the front window.
For trailers: on the front of the trailer. These should also be sent to us together with the booking. If the packing list is NOT present during delivery and NOT send to us with the booking, a fine of 50 euro per list will be added to your account and your unit will get BLOCKED by the port!


Cars & jeeps can only be loaded with personal effects in the trunk.


In open compartments, passenger vans, cargo is only allowed up to shoulder height of seats.
In closed compartments, cargo is only allowed up to half of the height of the compartment.


Terminals will do physical checks on the seaworthiness of the cargo.
This means that all cargo inside should be well lashed and secured. Loose cargo is not allowed.

If any vehicles are delivered that do not comply with these rules, the terminal will block the cargo on port upon arrival.
The client has max 10 days to solve the problems, everything that is not solved within 10 days will be inspected by environment and police who at their turn will decide if the cargo is in regulation. At that point they can decide if all cargo, including the vehicle, has to be removed and destroyed.

Costs for this will be charged to the client and is not open for discussions.

We kindly ask to comply with these rules as from today.

The Port will evaluate the cargo and these new regulations month by month and if there is a lot of cargo that keeps getting
blocked they might change their view and put a ban on additional cargo. Meaning that all Vehicles should be empty.

Therefore, it is in everyone’s interest to do their utmost to comply with these new regulations.